Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Using Punctuation When Texting

When texting a friend or a colleague how often to you use or see punctuation in texts that you send? For me if I use punctuation when I'm texting, its just something that comes naturally to me. Some people just use punctuation when they are texting when it comes to business others just don't use punctuation at all. I use punctuation because it not just helps me, but I feel that it helps the receiver of my text as well to understand what message I am trying to get across.


  1. I agree with what you have to say when you say it comes naturally because to me, it comes naturally as well! I like to show emphasis and emotion when communicating, also i feel like the person receiving will understand the tone and what you are trying to say much more easier then having none.

  2. I agree with your post, I believe that it is just natural. When I'm texting I don't even think about it to be honest. I just do it.
